
W - What Does it Mean? & What Can I Obey?

As I read this passage, I love the phrase "Come and see." It feels like a heartfelt invitation from Jesus to explore and witness who He is and what He represents. This invitation transcends physical proximity, inviting me into a deeper understanding and relationship.

In this context, I feel called not only to accept Jesus' invitation to 'come and see' but also to consider whom I should be extending this invitation to. What's happening at my church? "Come and See." Curious about the marriage course? "Come and See." Heard about our kids' choir? "Indeed, Come and See!"

A - Apply

This invitation, "come and see," resonates deeply with me. It challenges me to move beyond my preconceptions and comfortable understanding of faith. How am I responding to Jesus' call in my daily life and making it approachable to others? The threshold of witnessing what Jesus was about was incredibly low. I must reflect on where I might be creating unnecessary barriers through my actions or, even worse, my inaction.


Lord, in the simplicity and depth of 'Come and See,' I find a profound invitation to experience Your presence and share it with others. Help me to embody this welcoming spirit in all aspects of my life. Guide me to lower the barriers that may hinder others from experiencing Your love and grace. May my actions and words always extend Your warm invitation, and might I be quick to offer the invitation to come and see, Amen.

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Andrew stands out to me in this scripture. He immediately changes his path to follow Jesus as soon as he hears that he is the Messiah, and he wastes no time in sharing that news with his brother.

I am finding a common theme in these scripture readings, or at least with my thoughts while interacting with them... I need to be sharing the gospel. I need to share my story, invite friends to church, offer helpful scripture to those in need, and be a true disciple that brings others to Jesus.

Lord help me to step out of my comfort zone and share your greatness and love with the lost people in my life SO THAT they have the opportunity to experience a perfect life with you. Amen 🙏🏼

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What - I’m seeing a similar message as Amanda. Andrew immediately follows Jesus and spends the day with him. Then tells his brother and brings him to Jesus so he can see.

Two things seem to be calling out here.

1. Follow Jesus and spend time with Him

2. Witness to others and invite them to meet Jesus - here specifically it’s family

Those are the things I can see to obey.

Apply - I feel like this might be encouraging me to witness to my own family. Also I should continue to deepen my own relationship with Jesus.

Prayer - Lord help me to be open to inviting family members into relationship with you and sharing my relationship with you. Help me to see what family members you want me to reach out to and which ones need encouragement. Put your words on my tongue and give me courage to speak them. Make my interactions authentic and encouraging. Help me ask the best questions to open up a space for discussion and remind me that the growth and results are yours. Keep me seeking you and spending time in your presence more and more. Amen

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When Jesus turns around I imagine him calmly and genuinely asking “what do you want?” Maybe smiling or laughing and leaning into the conversation. I think of his tone and excitement in seeing the two of John’s disciples who were so quick to follow Him. And they go and spend that whole day together.

-Follow Him and Dwell with Him

I feel like I’m being called to follow on Christs heels and be honest with Him about the desires of my heart. I need to dwell with Christ daily in the places I feel closest to Him... to listen to His voice and learn from His example.

God, I am to follow you. Most days I find myself off track a great deal and a lot of times I have questions about who you are and where exactly you’re leading me. But still I desire to follow you. I pray that you continue to guide my steps and reveal to me the desires of your heart. I pray my heart can yearn for more of you and be filled with Your goodness. Show me how to better dwell with you and find your peace in my daily life. Amen

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